Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This is it! The Start of My Namibian Adventure!

So, the time has come!! After months of planning I'm finally heading out to Namibia! The last couple of nights i've become more and more restless because I was just too excited to sleep (sooo looking forward to this!). So let me get this out there first, this trip took a lonnggg time to plan! When I first contacted Na'an Kuse about volunteering there I thought it would be a very simple process, just book flights and done! I couldn't have been more wrong!! Booking flights ended up becoming a nightly activity with Hannah, visas, payments, shopping for africa, and trying to find the cheapest flights and most convenient (...didn't end up using the flights to Johannesburg), which all took a lonnggg time. But slowly step by step everything was falling into place :)

My first e-mail to Na'an Kuse was in April, so fast forward 5 months (and tons of injections) everything is finally set. Hannah (My fellow adventurer) and I are leaving the UK on the 4th of September to go to Johannesburg, There are no (very limited) international flights going to Namibia (the 2nd least densely populated country in the world) so for that reason we're going to Jo'burg first. 

We're staying 2 nights there, exploring the city while making the most of our last 2 days of civilization before we go to the middle of nowhere. Anyway, thats it for today, nothing too exciting but wanted to get a start on my first post!

I have no idea when I will have internet again once i'm in Namibia, so who knows when the next post will come, but to ensure you wont miss it, subscribe to my blog and you will get notified when I next post something!

Hoping to add a lot of cool photo's and video's (and stories ofcourse)

Thanks for Reading and have a Great Day :D

Ps. If you have any questions or requests, comment below and I'll address them next time!


  1. Looking forward to reading about your adventures Mike!!

  2. We are so excited for you as well! Enjoy your days in Joburg!
