Sunday, September 20, 2015

Living in Namibia

So it's Monday today and i've been here for exactly a week, which gives me enough time to accurately write how it is to live in the middle of nowhere! The first couple of days were definitely an adjustment period, but give it a week, and this feels normal now. I normally wake up at 7am, get a quick bite for breakfast and then start the morning activities at 8. There are two very important times here at Na/an Kuse, 1pm and 6pm... also known as lunch and dinner time!! Working the whole day makes you verrrryyy hungry so when the clock strikes the hour everyone runs up and lines up to get their food! Which till now has been very good, everyday we have something different, and most of the time it's very tasty. 
My Daily Sunset Views

After having some lunch I usually read a book for while, play with the baby baboons, or take a nap (when needed!). Then we resume with our afternoon activities till 5pm and head back to shower and get ready for dinner. As the sunsets I again read my book, write my journal, eat dinner, and play cards with some other volunteers. Although there is a campfire, I don't often see myself sitting around it and chatting with the older fellows. At 8.30 I often head back to the tent and watch a short tv show before I call it a night!
Taking Frodo for the night!

Differences between here and the real world

So after a week i've noticed some difference in lifestyle.
1. You will always have scratches, cuts, wounds, bruises, etc. whilst in the bush. My lips are as dry as bones, and my skin as burnt as toast (ok ok i might be exaggerating a bit!).
2. If you are scared of insects/bugs brace yourself! Whether it be spiders, scorpions, lizards, or whatever other creepy crawly you might fear, you'll find them here.
3. Wifi becomes a luxury!! So yesterday (Sunday) we went into the town to go to a mall and chill around for a bit. After getting some groceries we all rushed to a coffee shop to get some wifi! Being out of the loop of a week feels weird! New news, hundreds of e-mails (lots of spam!), disappointing football results (how did Chelsea lose again?!?!?!) and ofcourse keeping up with friends! The 2 hours we spent at the coffee shop felt like 10 minutes!
4. Wherever you are on the farm you will hear animals! It almost feels weird not hearing them! Hearing the lambs/roosters in the morning, the baboons in the afternoon, or the Lions at night has become the norm.
5. Clean clothes? I wish!! I get through about 7 shorts and 12 shirts, and 9 pairs of socks per week. The work here gets you real dirty, wether it be leftover food from food prep, dirt and thorns from the desert, or baboon pee/poo (which is almost always the case) you will definitely need a change of clothes at lunch!
6. Going to bed at 9:30 is considered late. After a long days work almost everyone goes to bed at around 8 or 9pm!

That's it for today, Adios!

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