Sunday, September 13, 2015

Quick Stop in Johannesburg and the first couple of days at Na'an Kuse

Jumping around in Johannesburg

So on Saturday the 6th of September I arrived in Johannesburg, and within minutes two things immediately struck me, 1. It was cooolllddd, I was fully expecting the African heat to hit me but nope everyone was walking around in warm sweaters (it was 8 degrees at night!) 2. Woah... these people are nice!! Whilst waiting for Hannah who arrived 3 hours laters I met a South African Uni student named Nel, nice guy and very keen to tell me all about Jo'burg. Further acts of kindness included a free ride to our hotel (by a very nice man!), a personal mine tour for just Hannah and I, and above all the smiles and waves we received from everyone we met and saw on the street! Conclusion: South Africans are very very friendly and welcoming!

The Streets of Johannesburg
In Johannesburg we also did some sightseeing, by doing the most touristy thing you can think of... the Hop On Hop Off bus. For 6 quid we were dropped off at all the most interesting places in the city. We stopped at the Gold Reef City where we visited a mine (and a quick visit to the casino!), the Apartheid Museum, and strolled around in Grove Braamfontein which was the "hip" part of Johannesburg. All in all, it was definitely worth it, we met some very nice people and experienced a culture that was close to unknown to us.

Some very cool street art
75 meters underground exploring the mine!

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