Sunday, September 20, 2015

Carnivore Feed

Another activity on our work rota is carnivore feed. Along with the 30 cheetahs, we have 3 leopards, 5 lions, 16 wild dogs, and 5 caracals that need to get fed. These guys are spread out around the sanctuary and are accessed by car. Unlike the animals that are on the farm with us, food prep does not prepare food for the big boys (carnivores!). The carnivores eat horse, wether it be lunges, hearts, livers, it all gets fed. As you can imagine this can get quite bloody!

After chopping up a horse, we get in the back of a pick up and head to the different enclosures. Feeding these animals is such a cool experience, especially the lions who are massive!

We also spotted a little surprise during the feed, check the photo’s to see if you can spot it!

On Our way to the Carnivores

Nice Piece of Horse Liver

The Wild Dogs

Can you Spot it?? (Ps. Leah you would die!!)

The Leopard

Meatball the Lion


  1. Great blog brother ;) Keep it up! Definitely a different life than over here in Dubai haha!
    Hope you have enough clothes for all the pee, poo, and vomit hahahahaha (Y)

  2. Also, where are the infamous Turkeys?
