Friday, December 4, 2015

Farewell Namibia!

So here it goes, my last post of my Namibian adventure. It only hit me once I had made it back to the farm that I had less than one week remaining in Namibia. Time really has flown by these past 3 months! The last week at the farm was a busy one, as I was asked to build a horse tack room next to the stables. Together with Ian (another volunteer) we spent Friday and Saturday building the tack room, which was as far as he would go as he was flying out on Sunday. With the tack room completion laying in my hands, I devoted most of my week to getting the room done. I learned a lot whilst working on the tack room, and also found out i’m more of a builder than I had initially thought! We had wooden support on all 4 corners and built the walls and roof with tin metal sheeting. I then finished the building off with a clean paint job, cementing the floor, adding a window, and making supports for the horse saddles. I did very much enjoy the opportunity to work on my own project and was desperate to get it finished before I left! The last week was also quite drama-free, the nights were spent playing cards and having a good time with friends, while my days consisted of project work. On Wednesday I took Asjas (my girl!!) for one last baboon sleepover, which was nice but also made me think of the first time I took a baboon with all the chaos, shit, and sleepless nights!

Moving two of our wild dogs! 
Baby Warthogs found on the Sanctuary!

On Thursday the 3rd of December, the day had finally come, my last day at the farm. My time in Namibia had been so memorable and such a great experience that I was dreading this day for awhile, but at the same time I felt it was the right time to go back home. I did one last tiny baby (baboon) walk, and went around to all the staff members to say my goodbyes. In the evening I packed my bags had a few drinks with some of my friends and said my “see you later’s” as I don’t believe in goodbye’s! Its a small world, you never know when you will bump into each other again. At 4:30am it was time to leave the country I was fortunate enough to call home for the past three months. The ride to the airport felt long, very long, but along with the first flight to Johannesburg it gave me time to reflect on what really was an adventure of a lifetime.

Looking back at everything I’ve done here in Namibia and the places I’ve visited in Southern Africa made me realize how glad I was to have decided to come here. It all started in March of this year whilst watching a documentary about Africa. At that time I had no idea what I would be doing in between my bachelors and masters, which is when the spark hit me. From that moment my mind was set on going, and when I have my mind set on something, I persist to achieve it! Going to Africa for 3 months is quite an adventure, not many people do it, but after these 3 months I’m glad I opened the door to Africa. Because once the door is open, it stays open, and what I mean by that is that I will 100% go back to Africa without much hesitation, whereas going to Africa for the first time takes some convincing, and A LOT of planning! Whether it be Namibia, or perhaps a country further North of Africa, who knows, but until then my mind is open to experience new cultures and new experiences. 

To those that have read my blog throughout my experience, thank you for your support and your interest in what has been happening in my life! It definitely made writing this blog so much more worth it :) 

For the last time, signing out from Johannesburg!